Hello to all,
Hope you are all well! I am back in town or should i say i am trying to be. I have been out of the scrap scene for the last 7 months. My life has changed 360 with the birth of our beautiful baby boy. Ah well baby?? it goes so fast soon enough he will go to college. After mastering to be a mother, or a mother in training so many new things come my way on a daily basis. I have passed the sleepless nights.....you get used to it and suddenly it changes. He sleeps from 9pm onwards and now i have all this time on hand. I will not lie not every night is the same, sometimes he sleeps trough sometimes he will wake up every hour. Comes with the job, i will not complain it is the most beautiful gift that god has given us and i thank him everyday.
So here is my page for Scrap africa, its a sketch challenge.
So scrapbooking? do i know what it means................as trends change so fast i made this page without looking anywhere for inspiration. I let my imagination go on its own. I have to get my groove on again but i have to say that it is lovely to have that "little me time"again. Who cares if its at 2 am at night, piece and quiet together with some sprays, paint, paper and embellishments. I will pass by all of you scrappy friends!
its been too long but i am back
The Sketch:

These pictures were taken when i was 8 1/2 months pregnant. T
he nursery was ready and we thought lets take some funny pictures.
Loved most of my pregnancy time. At the beginning it was just awful, the toilet bowl and i were the best of friends. And finally i got that diet that i always wanted but never succeeded until now.
Well i am getting my groove back. It was lovely to play around again with my sprays etc...
We all know the drill you have two weeks to upload your project and this weeks sponsor is:

Have a good day!
Looks great!!! I think it's best when you just go with whatever you feel like in scrapping.... certainly works a treat here.....& CONGRATULATIONS....oh yeah.....BIG life change. The biggest!!! Takes time, and it ain't ever the same again!!!