Monday 24 October 2011

Great success!

Good morning all,

It's the day after the bazaar and i am exhausted. But it was all worthwhile,because the bazaar was a great success. There were a lot of people, including the little ones and it was a great day. There were plenty of different stands with all different items, baby clothes, gifts, crafts etc.... it was all very beautiful. Here are some pictures of the day including my new employee......

My employee for the day!

Our crafts & pieces stand!

These were the hanging decorations. The little man on the right hand corner was also sold seperate as christmas decoration and all was sold out .

All and all a great day, now i have to return to a massive pile of dishes that was left for me from the party. 

I wish you all a great day!


  1. Καλημέρα Channa! Μπράβο σου, πολύ όμορφη παρουσίαση και πολύ καλή δουλειά, όπως πάντα!!!! Χαίρομαι που είχατε τόση μεγάλη επιτυχία! Φιλιά

  2. Όλα πανέμορφα!!!

  3. Fijn dat de dag een succes was, heb je veel kaarten en decoraties kunnen verkopen?
    Jammer dat ik je werk niet kon bekijken van wegens tijdelijke huidziekte.( leuke foto,s

    Veel liefst

  4. Well what a handsome employee that is ! Is he available for other jobs lol. Your creations look fantastic and sounds like you were a high success !


  5. Hi Channa,
    Wat een leuke employee heb jij, kan ik em inhuren ? Leuk dat de bazaar een succes was en je stand ziet er gelikt uit.
    Grt aan Makis T.Carla

  6. Πολύ όμορφα όλα Channa! Μπράβο σου για την εξαιρετική δουλειά και όλη αυτή την ποικιλία δημιουργιών! Χρόνια πολλά για τον άντρα σου! Καλό βράδυ!

  7. great news Channa! everything looks fantastic!

  8. nou meis, dat zag er allemaal heel mooi uit.
    super dat je veel / alles heb kunnen verkopen,.
    groeten aan makis

    liefs tante S


Thank you all for passing by and leaving some love.